Apply to become a Krew Member

Apply to become a Krew Member

Ken's Krew, currently operates in Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. 

Please note: We’re GROWING and, true to our logo, going green, so we are no longer accepting paper applications. Thanks for your understanding!

Ready to apply?

Please select to request your application

Ken’s Krew Best Practices:

Same Pay, Same Job:

Employees with disabilities will be paid the hourly or salaried wage associated with the job they are hired to do.

Same Standards:

Employees with disabilities will be held to the same high standards as all non-disabled employees.

Side-by-Side Work:

Employees with disabilities will work side-by-side with non-disabled employees, creating an inclusive work environment.

Frequently Asked Questions for Krew Member Applications

Ken’s Krew is a not-for-profit job placement and training organization founded by parents of young adults with disabilities. Every individual deserves the opportunity to enter the workforce, earn a fair wage, and reach their full potential.

Applicants must be diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disability and should have the skills necessary to enter independent competitive employment.

Ken’s Krew assesses applicants for job compatibility with our employment partners. Applicants fitting the criteria to fill available jobs are accepted as Krew Members and assisted with job placement, training, and retention services.

Positions are customer-service based in a retail environment.

No. Positions are part-time. Typically, positions are up to 20 hours per week and do not include employer-provided benefits. Krew Members receiving benefits such as SSI and SSDI, etc, who need to work less than 20 hours/week, are typically accommodated with 12-15 hours/week.

“No. Krew Members are valuable employees who are placed in positions of competitive employment at the regional starting rate of pay for the position in which they are placed.

Applicants should have the physical stamina to work a minimum shift of 4 hours independently, the strength to lift, carry, and move items, and the ability to work safely in a retail environment.

No. Krew Members must provide or arrange their own transportation.

Applicants must meet the minimum age requirement of 18 years old. Many individuals apply after completing school transition-to-work programs.

Ken’s Krew has found that the length of employment for successful Krew Members directly corelates with the full support system that is in place. It is critical to have support outside of Ken’s Krew and work to continue to reinforce outstanding workplace behavior.

Yes. An applicant with job experience, needing assistance with job placement and training, may apply provided that their recent unemployment status is not from a partner employer of Ken’s Krew and was not the result of a termination for violating employer policies and procedures.

Once placed in employment, Ken’s Krew provides a minimum of 72 hours of intensive on-site job training. Upon completion of training, Krew Members must be able to work independently. Ken’s Krew provides on-going job retention services via site visits on a routine basis. Krew Members also have the opportunity to attend monthly Krew meetings and other trainings for continued professional development.

No. Applicants to Ken’s Krew are assessed for independence in integrative competitive employment situations. Upon completion of training, Krew Members must have the ability to work independently.

Your Ken’s Krew Vocational Coordinator takes the lead for all job-related interactions with the employer and employee. We provide re-training when needed, train for new roles, advocate for the rights of the worker, provide representation at meetings, and handle resignations if appropriate.

We’re in 10 states. Click here for the list of states and counties where we currently operate.

Please contact us to discuss applying if you reside in an area that is currently on pause.

If you reside on the fringe of a listed service area and would like to apply, please contact us to see if you would have access to our program within a reasonable distance from your home.

KKI provides equal access to programs and service to support individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities regardless of the ability to pay for the services.  We do rely on the support of our community to maintain and grow our programs.  It is an expectation of Krew Member Caregivers to support our work by utilizing resources available to them to sustain our mission.  Annual Caregiver contributions can be made as a one-time annual donation or can be set up as monthly or quarterly to best suit the family’s needs.  Caregiver contributions can be made here: 2024 Caregiver Giving Campaign (

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